Office Furniture Trends For 2020

The future of work is ever-changing. What was considered the norm may not be practical or popular as we head into a brand new decade. Technology, multiple generations in one workplace, and differing attitudes in working style mean that how we work today is evolving more than ever before. Companies are recognising the need to evolve workplaces to suit these trends by creating environments that boost productivity, attract, and retain employees for longer.

Aesthetically, bold colours and natural materials are trending for 2020, as is getting closer to nature. But so much more can go into an office space for it to be welcoming and inspirational for your team. We’ve pulled together the latest workplace trends and how this may affect the fit-out at your office, along with some inspiration on what’s possible.

Going Green

A green workplace is one that is environmentally sensitive, resource-efficient, and socially responsible. More and more companies are heading in this direction with the rise of B Corp, Green Business, or Fair Trade certifications. Sustainable design, products, and fabrics are also gaining traction, with consumers increasingly expecting and demanding these products. Energy, lighting, and water efficiency are also ways in which buildings can become more sustainable. Another growing trend (excuse the pun) is the inclusion of plants, hanging horticulture, and living green walls to further enhance the sustainability feel of a workspace. Modern Office's Nurus range prides itself on being sustainable with recyclable materials and forward-thinking in its approach to design.

Doing What I Want to Do

The shift towards more project-based teams means an increase in favour of contractors or freelancers. Gone are the days of a permanent seat with a view for the next 10 years - today’s teams are all about moving around and working with others as and when they want to. It’s also a time of choosing how you like to work and celebrate what makes you different, whether it’s working amongst the buzz or by yourself to reflect and think. Flexibility is the key here, with the inclusion of modular and moving parts. Our collaboration furniture offers some options for your team to have the choice of whether they want to mingle or retreat.

Wellness at Work

Well-being is key to many employees in today’s workforce, and standing desks are gaining in popularity. Not only is it important to move often and stand up occasionally, but the trend of the standing desk is growing, offering benefits such as increased energy and focus, and reduced obesity and back pain. It’s not uncommon to see ergonomic and exercise furniture appearing in spaces to ensure flexibility and comfort. Modular and lightweight furniture that is still soft and plush allows work to be done in a variety of positions and locations - a key factor in encouraging employees to stay active and productive. Check out our range of standing desks here.

Feeling at Home

Technology is taking over many aspects of how work is done today, and this means learning new things at an unprecedented pace. It’s no secret that people tend to work and learn best when they are in a comfortable and familiar environment that encourages change and growth. More organisations are transforming their space to be more homely with the inclusion of cushions, rugs, woven baskets, and even board games. Make your office environment soft and cosy, enabling your team to feel at home while they’re working.

Colour Me Happy

Colour abounds these days, and the trends are leaning towards one bold colour and variations of it so the theme is cohesive. Designers are using soft hues paired with complementary bold shades which are further enhanced by clever lighting to create the right mood. Textures and patterns are also growing in popularity to add that homely feel and make the space interesting and tactile.

At Modern Office, we have a team ready to help you out with designing the perfect space for your business, however big or small. For enquiries on any of our product ranges or services, contact us today.

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